Sunday, September 27, 2009

N.C. State Loss

Several things to note from yesterday's game:

Once again, the Panther's run game went south after the half. This has become a disturbing trend from all 4 games of the season thus far. Either the opposing teams are making great adjustments or Pitt is losing focus at the half.

Once again, the defense has become offensive. More troubling, the players heralded as stars in the pre-season (Berry, Sheard, Romeus, Williams, et al.) have looked horrible. Aaron Berry continues to have brain cramps and Romeus and Sheard continually end up 10 yards behind the play. Coverage and Containment should be the words of the week in practice. Pressuring the quarterback should not be the goal on every play. Stopping the run works just as well.

Finally, it's quite obvious this team lacks the "killer instinct.". Giving up big leads late with soft coverage and super/ultra conservative play calling is a sure way to allow a comeback.

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